OASIS is pleased to announce the completion of another successful Borderless Cyber Conference.
Check out our recap video.
We hope to see everyone at our next conference in Prague this coming December (6-8th).
Link here for more details.
Meet our impressive list of speakers
Borderless Cyber USA brings together the world’s most informed cybersecurity leaders to share insights on changing the economics of computer network defense.
U.S. DHS NPPD Chief Economist, U.S. Bank Deputy CISO, Head of National Cyber Security Centrum, AT&T Former CSO, Wells Fargo CISO, Government of Japan NISC Cabinet Secretariat, Israeli National Cyber Security Authority Head of Technology, Aetna CISO, U.S. NIST NCCoE Associate Director, Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative Senior Fellow, NSA Technical Director, KPN Telecom CISO, United Nations-ICC Head, Information Security Services, and many more.
The conference provides the actionable advice you need from experts you can trust:
Find out how cybersecurity experts are changing the economics for computer network defense, decreasing the cost to defend, while turning up the heat on attackers.
Hear about Borderless Cyber from some of our guest speakers
Threatpost interview with Jaya Baloo, CISO at KPN (The Netherlands’ leading telecom provider)
Cyberwire interview with Borderless Cyber USA Conference Chair, Eric Burger of Georgetown University
Charles Tendell Show interview with Allan Thomson, CTO at LookingGlass
Charles Tendell Show interview with Former CSO of AT&T, Edward Amoroso
Sign up for more information
Workshops added to the agenda |
Who should attend
C-level executives, directors, and senior managers responsible for threat intelligence, incident response, risk, and audit. Cyber security stakeholders in financial services, retail, healthcare, manufacturing, utilities, international business, government, and other industries.
Historic venue Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House Home of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian–New York Read more... |
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Venue details.....